I. Consumer Fraud Hotline: (800) 242-5846. Please exhaust all communications with our office before exercising this option by calling us at 973-927-0963. For frivolous concerns, they will re-direct to our office.
II. Start and End Dates: Anticipated start date _/_/2022. Anticipated completion date _/_/2022. There are a host of variables that impact these dates, including, but not limited to; strikes, accidents, delays beyond our control, material procurement, special orders, concealed conditions on this or other projects, weather on or before scheduled dates for this or other projects, Change Orders and/or other material changes to the scope of work.
In order to adhere to the aforementioned start and end dates, your signed Contract, color selection(s) and deposit must be received, in our office, within seven (7) days of the date of this Contract.
III. Change Orders: Any variation from the scope of work described in this document will require a written Change Order. Depending upon the size and scope of the Change Order, it may have an impact on the above referenced start and/or end dates.
IV. Insurance: Annexed hereto, as Exhibit “A”, is proof of General Liability Insurance.
V. Notice of Right to Cancel: You, the Property Owner, may cancel this Contract at any time before midnight of the third business day after the date you signed this Contract. Cancellation must be delivered via certified mail to: George J. Keller & Sons LLC, 5 Laurel Drive – Unit 14, Flanders, NJ 07836.
VI. Warranties: All documents relating to material manufacturers product warranties are to be provided upon completion of job and receipt of full payment. Any enhanced or extended manufacturer warranties will be filed electronically by George J. Keller & Sons LLC (hereafter referred to as, “Installer”), upon completion and final payments. Same documents will be forwarded to consumer directly from the manufacturer.
Workmanship warranties: Installer hereby warrants that the work performed will be free from defects in its workmanship for 10 years on pitched roofing and siding, 2 years on windows, framing, carpentry, porticos, low slope roofing and flat roofing, 1 year on gutters, skylights, trim and decks, from the date of the completion of the work (“Warranty Period”).
Installer’s sole obligation, under this warranty and Owner’s exclusive remedy, shall be limited to the repair or replacement, at Installer’s election and at no charge to Property Owner, of any damage to the roof/siding, which shall be found to arise from a defect in Installer’s workmanship. In no event shall the within warranty obligations ever exceed the total costs paid to Installer for the installed roof/siding. This warranty does not apply to roof or structural damage resulting from normal wear and tear, including without imitation, ice damage, wind damage, acts of God, hailstorms, foreign objects or failure of the Property Owner to use reasonable care in maintaining the roof/siding. This warranty does not apply to any fungus and/or mold infestation, UV degradation, rust, or corrosion resulting in metal or wood decay. Further, this warranty does not apply if a deficient pre-existing condition or building component such as a roof decking, walls, gutters or mortar is causing water entry problems to the roof/siding system, nor does it cover cleanliness or discoloration of the roofing/siding material.
All warranty claims must be made within the Warranty Period by written notice addressed and mailed to Installer at the address set forth on the Contract within three (3) days of discovery of the warranty claim. Further, to obtain any warranty service, the Contract price must be paid in full. By notifying Installer of a warranty claim, the Owner authorizes Installer to investigate the cause of the claim. Should Installer determine that the cause of the claim is beyond the scope of this warranty; the Property Owner shall pay the reasonable costs of Installer’s investigation of the claim.
This warranty is not transferable and is null and void in the event any entity other than Installer (or its assigned designee), performs any work on the roof/siding.
This warranty set forth above is complete and is in lieu of and Property Owner hereby waives all other conditions, representations and warranties, expressed or implied by statute, usage, custom of the trade or otherwise including without limitation, the implied warranty of merchantability, implied warranty of habitability, implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, or any other implied or express warranty of any kind, written or oral.
VII. Permits: Application and submission for zoning and building permits is the sole responsibility of the homeowner. Including but not limited to drawings, specs and permit fees or other items potentially requested by your municipality. Upon receipt of permit please provide GJK with permit number so we may arrange inspections, as necessary. If you need assistance with permit process, we can provide names of architects to assist.
VIII. Vaulted Ceilings: If you have vaulted ceilings inside the house, we will need to do a test cut to verify the depth of the sheathing. If you have vaulted ceilings inside the home, please be aware that installing a new roof will cause nail pops on the interior sheetrock.
IX. Installation: All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Installer will have large trucks entering the driveway for material delivery and garbage disposal. If the job entails, we will be dropping off materials and a dumpster at your location. Please be aware that you CANNOT put any items into the dumpster. Only our crew members are to dispose of items in the dumpster. The dumpster content is monitored and if any foreign items are found in the dumpster, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection may issue fines to you. Installer will take reasonable precautions to protect your personal property, however, Installer cannot be held responsible for incidental damage to driveways. Installer is not responsible for any damage caused by penetrating nails to internal water pipes, electrical lines, or A/C lines. Roofing and Siding work will cause the exterior walls of the house to vibrate. It is advisable to remove all decorations from interior walls. Installer is not responsible for wall board nail pops or damage to interior decorations. If a satellite dish exists and needs adjustment after the completion of work, it is the sole responsibility of the Property Owner. Installer is not responsible for water leakage due to ice damming. Roof/siding work may create minor dust and debris in your attic, please protect your belongings accordingly.
X. Excluded Services: This contract does not include an obligation by Installer to; (i) remove or dispose of any hazardous substances that currently exist on Your Property, (ii) improve the structure of the roof/siding of Your Property, (iii) remove or replace existing rot, rust or insect-infested structures, (iv) provide structural framing for any part of Your Property, (v) pay for or correct construction errors, omissions or deficiencies by You or Your contractors, (vi) pay for, remove, or remediate mold, fungus, mildew or organic pathogens, (vii) upgrade Your existing electrical, plumbing or HVAC systems, or make repairs to concealed or misrouted electrical wires, water pipes or HVAC system components, (viii) install any smoke detectors, sprinklers or life safety equipment required by municipal code or inspectors as a result of the work performed, (ix) pay for the removal or relocation of equipment, obstacles or vegetation in the vicinity of the work, (x) pay for any utility fees and/or costs associated with municipal design or architectural review, or other specialty permits (this includes cost to attend any public hearings, notification of neighbors or additional drawings require), (xi) any general painting, electrical or plumbing work.
XI. Miscellaneous: You represent and warrant that you are the Property Owner. To the best of Your knowledge, there are no conditions, concealed or otherwise, that would, or may impeded, or delay, the work to be performed, or cause the Property to be unsuitable for the work to be performed.
XII. Acceptance of Proposal: The prices, scope of work and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted by you, the Property Owner. There are no other discounts expected and none will be given. You, the Property Owner, authorize Installer to do the work as specified.
XIII. Terms: You will make payments as outlined above. Final payment is due upon completion of work. A late charge of 1.5% per month (18% per annum) will be added to overdue accounts.